Oftentimes, people are inundated with periodical headlines, advertising, and book titles, which all promise to expose the secrets or mysteries of the rich and famous, wealthy or successful.
- Are some people exposed to the age-old utopian of achievement?
- Is success so elusive that it is just too difficult for people to get their hands on it?
- If there are secrets to becoming wealthy or successful, what makes these wealth and success principles so secretive?
I do not believe that there are mysteries to experiencing success; I believe people know what to do, but they are too lazy to do them. Besides, success is how individuals may define and constitute success for themselves. People become preoccupied with making a living that they have forgotten that learning how to live is equally, if not more important than making a living. This is what we commonly call having a job.
Some people like their job while many others would love to do something else. However, many feel as though they are stuck in their nine to five without any hope of doing what they really would love to do. Wealthy or successful people would rather pay the price of doing what they love to do, then to be confined in trying to make a living. Vocation is far more important than occupation. Many people can start doing what they enjoy even though they are working a nine to five. They just have to start doing and they will discover their greatest joy is being fulfilled. If you would like to play it safe maintain your job while initially pursuing your dream, as long as the norm does not interfere, move forward. However, do not use your job as an excuse that hinders you from pursuing your life-long dream. So actually, what many consider a secret is not a mystery at all. If you do what others refuse to do, it places you in the upper echelon of life and practically guarantees you wealth and success. Living your dream is what millions would love to do, but instead they chose to rather make a living and complain about it. Success and wealth is in your hands to control, not in the hands of fate to decide.
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