If balance is the key to life, then, faith is the power of life, and patience is the virtue of life. It is quite easy to talk about how one’s life needs balance; but how to achieve it has escaped the majority. Achieving balance is very difficult because it involves knowledge, wisdom, tenacity, and action.… Read More »
Faith: A Powerful Tool & Weapon
As Christians begin their journey of growth in the Lord, they are to realize the challenges that lie ahead. These challenges are not your run of the mill trials, they are situations set up by the devil to take a Christian out. Satan realizes that Christians have been equipped with a powerful tool and weapon… Read More »
Success begins with belief
The power to believe is the most explosive energy that can be released in the heart of a person. Neutrality is the position of belief; its force will move in the direction that a person aims. The effects of belief are just as powerful when moving toward negativity as it is when it’s targeted toward… Read More »
The church is the most important institution on planet earth
The church is the most important institution on planet earth, just as Israel is the single, most important nation to God as it relates to end-time events. From the time of their inception, both Israel and the church have been under scrutiny and malicious attacks. It does not move me much when the church is… Read More »