You can be at a great station in life, and never recognize the blessing of being there when you are totally engaged with the result. How much are you giving in the effort, depends on the passion you have for what you doing.
If you have come up short after putting forth a mediocre effort, or you have attempted something without fully believing you could do it, the results were in your effort. This applies to careers, school, sports, and life in general. Your concern shouldn’t be mainly in the results after your effort, but rather at the end of the effort you put forth. To the onlooker, the results matters the most, but the effort ought to speak volumes to the person who exerts him or herself.
It’s all about the climb; the journey, the fight, and the exertion. The award is simply a trophy that you can place on your mantle, however, realizing the mental strength one discovers or the physical shape a person develops or the creativeness a person was able to unleash, is the reward that benefits the individual the most. The award is far less in value than the personal reward. The award is the result of the accolades of people, but the reward is the enjoyment of the exertion of overcoming the personal struggle to finish.
Think of all the things that are right with you and do not place a major focus on your negatives. The negatives can change into the positives as you change your perspective of them so that you will exert yourself with all fervor.
You have all the right things stuffed down inside of you; it’s just that sometimes your expectations don’t quite match up to your true ability. Oftentimes, this happens when we have a propensity to measure ourselves by someone else. You are designed as a beautiful specimen; a masterpiece. Why would you fractionally use your creative ability based on someone else’s ability? Get out of the comparing mode and stop competing with others. Why be concerned with how others may feel if you don’t quite hit the home run in life. What others may want from you is usually what they don’t expect out of themselves.
Be your own gauge! Whatever your field of expertise is, don’t prepare yourself based on what others may have achieved. Don’t even consider giving your best effort, which is usually predicated on just above minimum requirement. The idea of effectively becoming unattached from the results is emptying yourself during your effort. When you know you have nothing left in you after you have exerted yourself because of your passion, or love for whatever it is you do, your climb will be worth more than the accolades from others.
It always amazes me how most people are so preoccupied with the potential results when they have not even begun the effort. Before you begin anything, you should ask yourself, “Am I ready to be totally engaged in my effort to develop myself, or am I just interested in taking the shortcuts so that I can get a satisfactory result for little personal investment?” Your priority should not be the results, your priority should be the passion required to exert yourself to the max.
You cannot work it out until you out work yourself.
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