How honest are you with yourself? Are you the kind of person who can see no wrong in the things you do, but can see all the wrong in others? If you were stranded on an Island with just one other person, would you want that other person to be you? The last question can be applied to more than just yourself; it can be applied to your spouse, a friend, or even a pet. We all have our preferences about the kind of people we would like to be around, but how honest are we in answering these questions regarding ourselves. A person can learn a lot about themselves if they were honest.
Are you prepared to take a brief journey into your knowledge of self, your skills, lovability, courage and or leadership? Understanding yourself is the first step in the process of determining what kind of person you are vs. what kind of person you think you are. It is critical that you are confident and comfortable talking about yourself. In sales, advancing to the next step translates to progress. The more progress you make in the process, the closer you come to landing the sale. The same is true for the search process in determining what you are really like. The better you are at being honest about yourself, the more progress you’ll make in finding out what you are actually like, so that you can become the person you want to be. You are the product and how well you know yourself is the key to having a better relationship with God, yourself and others. Jesus said that the second of the two greatest commandments is to “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Should this verse not stir up some concern about you getting to know yourself better?
As a willing participant of going through the process to know yourself better, you must be prepared to answer the following:
- What are you looking for? Why?
- Why should I like you?
- What do you not like about yourself?
- What is your greatest strength?
- What is your greatest weakness?
These questions represent a small sample of what to expect during this process. The answers will be different for each person. Being prepared with concise, honest action oriented answers with examples to demonstrate your value will separate you from all other willing participants. To address these questions you must know yourself to some degree. How well do you know yourself?
Take the brief survey below to complete the following assessments and blog me on the results:
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