What type of lifestyle are you really interested in living? What do you want to accomplish with your finances, marriage, or business? Do you desire to live the lifestyle you have only dreamt; or are you only looking to win the lottery, which is your shortcut to success? Have you ever heard the old maxim, “If you continue to do the thing you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got.” How do you help someone who knows what they are doing wrong?
Many of these people can tell you all of their shortcomings and give reasons to why they are not successful; but if they are aware of their problems why is there no strategic action to correct it? Are they looking for solutions to fall out of the sky?
I have worked with many could-be-millionaires down through the years and have learned that these people cannot tell you how to do what is right because their reference point is only failure, not success. They can figure out what is right to do; but these people usually have a difficult time trying to figure out how to do what is right. My heart goes out for many people who think like this because I really want to see them do well.
The remedy for helping them is that they must be willing to listen to sound advice from a qualified mentor and refuse to say, “I know!” When a person continues to voice what they would like to do, they are actually pointing to the realization that they do not have a clue as to how to do it. A person’s situation can change for the better if they will only stop talking about their problem and ask a qualified source for help. Silence is the key when wisdom is speaking.
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