The church is the most important institution on planet earth, just as Israel is the single, most important nation to God as it relates to end-time events. From the time of their inception, both Israel and the church have been under scrutiny and malicious attacks. It does not move me much when the church is attacked by the world, but I have a tremendous concern when its own body members attack the church. It is like a cancer, when the cells mutate and attack good cells in the body. The body of Christ is collaborating with the world to attack the body of Christ. We are fully aware that the church has enemies, but we are not so sure of how to detect these enemies within the body. This of course is of great concern. Due to the validity of well-known and accepted ministers of the gospel, these spiritual leaders have just as much influence on church members and can confuse many of Christ’s followers. Ministers and Pastors of large churches and ministries are being investigated for allegedly using church funds to live exquisite lifestyles. This is another attempt of the devil to silence the voices of ministers that are teaching the full gospel. And if teaching people to be practical and yet spiritual in learning to pay off their debts, own homes and businesses, and giving to the church or to the men of God according to the Holy Scriptures are reasons to silence and defame these ministers, then shut down large conglomerates as well. I look at the professional athletes and team owners who are making millions of dollars, which come from high priced tickets that poor people are unable to afford. They are not scrutinized and under investigation for unethical practices. Lawyers who abuse the justice system for their own personal gain and sue a company for hundreds of millions and sometimes billions, but there is no investigation as to the integrity of the case. On the other hand, there are those high paid CEOs who make millions of dollars with severance pay and benefits that could feed or pay for health care of many under privileged families. No one seems to want to attack the people whose companies are raising prices on their products so that the company can meet the salaries of CEOs. If the church is responsible for neglecting the poor of our country, let it be known that our government, American businesses, and millions of people are guilty as well. Let us not look only at institutions and wealthy individuals, let us throw in the upper and middle-income personnel who give less than 2 percent of their income to charity. All Americans are then greedy for owning more than one pair of shoes, more than one clothing outfit hanging in their closet, and, of course, having a variety of foods to choose. We throw away more food in this country than any other country on this planet. The thousands of restaurants in America could feed all of our nation’s hungry if they would give their leftovers to rescue missions and individual families. Do not investigate the Pastor or Minister who has experienced success in ministry without investigating yourself and the entire American public. If one is guilty, then we are all guilty. All of us can do more for the poor and for those families who are struggling financially due to the lack of proper teaching concerning money management. Obviously, the church pastor with a congregation of 100 cannot afford to live like the pastor of a church of 10,000 members; no more can a bank teller or teacher live the lifestyle of a successful actor or professional athlete. The degree of success determines the quality of lifestyle.
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