Are there ever any legitimate excuses? Do you find yourself constantly explaining away the reasons why you are unsuccessful or why your life is in disarray or the reasons why you are unhappy? It is a sure bet that your reasoning is actually a series of lies that you tell yourself to avoid facing painful truths.
The path of least resistance is to make an excuse and tolerate our situation rather than to face our fear of an unpleasant truth. Fear of punishment or the consequences of our actions also plays a part when we chose to avoid our own accountability. We are forever doomed as victims of circumstance until we make a conscious decision to deliberately create a new circumstance free of excuses and blame.
Honest self-examination is the most difficult and painful step in breaking down the barriers that confine us to a life of mediocrity or worse. Recognize your shortcomings and failures from the past and forgive yourself. Stop being a felon and turn yourself in. The system that you have chosen to live your life by is self-incriminating.
Excuses work like a pacifier. A pacifier does not confront the true problem; it simply addresses the issue of the crying. Stop the blame game, because to blame is lame. Be accountable and forthright in your actions.
Success cannot be realized as a result of the failure of others, so stop blaming them. I hope that I have helped you to identify and eliminate your top three excuses. You can now consider yourself on the road to recovery. If you do not like your circumstance, only you can chose to create a new one. Success is in YOUR Hands!
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