Have you ever stumbled into doing something by accident and later you could not figure out how you did it? People rarely ever stumble on why things are done because learning why takes a direct approach to determining a thing. If you discover the why, the how will come easily.
It is not as important to know when a person was born or when the person died; but to figure out what that odd dash between the born and departure dates on the gravestone stands for. The dash represents everything you have done in your lifetime. All of your success and failures, the lives you have touched and those you repelled, all the money you made and lost, the love and hate relationships, the dreams you achieved and the dreams that turned into nightmare are all summed up in one dash.
Just think about it, your entire life is summed up in one dash. Don’t you think that it is time you got on with the business of living your life instead of experimenting with it? Don’t you think that it is time to become a Difference Maker instead of making no difference at all? Living a double life will get you nowhere twice as fast. Imitation is limitation. If you live your life chasing two rabbits, both of them will escape and you would have accomplished nothing.
Choose not to live your life in the Safety Zone. In order to reach your full potential you must either have a chance or take one. You cannot get your head above water without you ever sticking your neck out. Seizing the moment means recognizing it and grabbing it by the neck or it will pass you by.
You cannot live all your life in the middle of the road. In life, you have to take some risk. Just being alive is a risk so you might as well make life worth living. If you don’t take some risk in life, you can potentially risk losing everything. Every person has an opportunity to reach their potential and do great things, but they are oftentimes too afraid to do something that will upset the status quo. The Latin meaning for ‘status quo’ is “the mess we’re in.” If you don’t force your life in the direction you want it to go, you might find yourself in a mess. People don’t set out and make plans to fail in life; they simply don’t make plans to succeed.
You will always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take; you will miss 100% of the questions on a test that you don’t answer and you will never achieve 100% of the things you never do. Success favors the bold and courageous. If you never faced fear, embarrassments, disappointments or hurt, it means you have never taken any chances.
I have never met a person that faced tremendous challenge and did not have a knot in the middle of their stomach. This feeling usually accompanied those who realized that what they were about to do was going to cost them more than a hangnail; it may cost them everything.
We can only succeed as much as we believe our potential to be. You may know who you are, but do you know what you can become?
Recommended Reading:
I frequently say, “Readers are leaders and leaders are readers.” I strongly believe this statement; therefore, I have taken the time to recommend reading material that I believe will greatly benefit your life and business endeavors. Click the images to see more information or to order the books from Amazon.com.
[amazon_image id=”0595254373″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]From Sabotage to Success: How to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior and Reach Your True Potential[/amazon_image] [amazon_image id=”0399519904″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior[/amazon_image] [amazon_image id=”1930388179″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Unexpected Treasures[/amazon_image] [amazon_image id=”1930771223″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]10 Timeless Principles of Professional Success: Using the Life-Work Compass to Reach your Potential[/amazon_image]
The materials are provided for your convenience and Dr. Brown will earn a small commission from Amazon when you purchase through the links provided above.
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