Think about this. Whatever truly motivates you is what you have placed so much value on that you have allowed it to become the driving force behind your passion and science of achievement. Whatever actually motivates you, is what you have either had very little of in life or you despised it because of the negative affect it had on a loved one.
Some people abhor drinking alcohol beverages because of the adverse affect it has had on loved ones or because of a drunk driver severely damaging or killing someone close to them. Seeing the devastating effects of alcohol beverages and what it did to the people they loved became the motivation for them to use their influence and money to get drunk drivers off the road. On the other hand, some people are motivated by money because they grew up missing the privileges of having an ample supply, while seeing the opportunities it afforded those who had it.
They grew up seeing from a distance, what having money could buy a person. Therefore, money became their motivation to do whatever they were doing. This became the emotional attachment driving their motivation, which is the “why” to their motivation. The adversity is the focal point to fuel their overwhelming sense of accomplishment.
Oftentimes, people have not recognized the need to be adversity tested, both individually and culturally. We need to experience challenging times of struggle and difficulty to help us to evaluate what is truly important to us, and with consistency, define why. Struggle is the fuel that moves us toward that discovery.
How is it? That someone can have all the resources, and never reach fulfillment? The one with all the resources may go in and out of rehab and other therapeutic centers, while others have gone through hunger, rape, abuse, and even abandonment, and seemingly contribute the most to society? Some learn that resources are not as important as being resourceful.
To be “adversity tested” causes clarity to open up your senses which is similar to your nostrils being opened to breathe. It helps you to master the law of resourcefulness by helping you recognize various options. Adversity opens you up to being resourceful. You need times when answers are not readily available so that you can learn to use what you have and not focus so much on what you do not have. I understand that it is tough to look outside your immediate misery and see opportunity.
When you find yourself blaming everyone and everything for your personal problems and lack of achievement, you have to look at yourself and honestly assess what is in place that keeps you targeting others for your misfortune. By taking an internal honest assessment of yourself, you can determine the heart of the problem. We live in a blame game culture and few ever take on the responsibility for where they are in life.
Generally, when people fail to achieve their goal they usually look for reasons outside of themselves to determine the cause. It usually comes down to I-don’t-have…resources. It may be true that you do not have all the items available to accomplish your goal, but those things are not the reasons behind your lack of achievement.
The defining cause of failing to achieve your goal is that you are resource oriented instead of resourceful oriented. One person says, “I don’t have the experience” while the same person should say, “…but I have the passion.” The problem is unresolved internal conflicts. It can be one or multiple conflicts that you either failed to identify, or you have ignored. Resolving your internal conflicts, will help you to see more clearly why you have chosen a particular condition or situation to motivate you.
Recommended Reading:
I frequently say, “Readers are leaders and leaders are readers.” I strongly believe this statement; therefore, I have taken the time to recommend reading material that I believe will greatly benefit your life and business endeavors. Click the images to see more information or to order the books from
[amazon_image id=”1594484805″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us[/amazon_image] [amazon_image id=”1410799026″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Amazing Achievers: Living Your Purpose While Overcoming Adversities[/amazon_image] [amazon_image id=”1930388179″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Unexpected Treasures[/amazon_image]
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