I’ve discovered that Success is not a simple matter; it cannot be determined merely by the amount of money and material possessions you have. Things can make you happy temporarily, but they are a poor substitute for inner peace and happiness. To achieve one’s ultimate purpose should be one’s earthly pursuits.
We all want to be happy and successful, especially financially. We work at it. We strive for it. We know it when we have it, and we know when we are not happy. It seems so elusive sometimes. We often seek happiness in all the wrong places. We run to substitutes for happiness that often makes us feel even more unhappy.
A millionaire who is not personally content with his or her life is not truly successful. I do not mean that if you have a billion dollars you cannot be considered a success however, we usually make the mistake of thinking that happiness is related somehow to our financial condition, or we think if our circumstances get better, we will be happy.
Happiness has absolutely nothing to do with circumstances. Two people with identical circumstances can have vastly dissimilar levels of contentment. One is happy and the other is not. You can have a bias for depression or a bias for happiness. When you get up each morning you will make a pre-decision for or against happiness.
Every person who succeeds in life does so by persevering in the face of adversity and by continually applying themselves to their vision. No one comes into this earth with their talents and abilities fully functional, but instead they dedicate years of their lives to developing them. Faith is a necessity for your purpose to come to fruition. Remember, faith doesn’t make things easy, it makes things possible.
When you are fed a steady diet of cynicism and skepticism, it may be hard to speak anything positive. This constant intake of negativity affects your perspective and your communication. The way you see things is what you come to believe about them.
If you are progressive in your thinking, then always enduring and overcoming challenges is the evolution of your unadulterated self. You are more powerful when you know who you are, and you are then more courageous. Once you conquer one mountain, you will know that another one stands in your way. Every time you have a top of the mountain experience, you then find yourself at the bottom of another mountain. Life is full of challenges, and dreams make the journey that much more pleasurable when achieved.
The key to living your dream is meeting limited circumstances with thoughts without limits. It’s not about how little you have; it is about the amazing things you can do with what you do have. Jesus turned 2 fish and five loaves of bread into a full course meal for 5,000 men, and He fed 4,000 with 7 loaves of bread and fish. It’s not about how much you have; it is about God’s ability residing in you to multiply what you have.
Stake claim to your dream and stop haphazardly pursuing something you were created to do. The present moment is the only time there is. No matter what time it is, both the past and future exist when you bring them into your present moment. You can decide to live your life from your past pain or you can live forward. Understand this moment, NOW! Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow. There’s nothing more powerful than a person who knows how to contain and control their personal power and not let it seep out.
Every time the present moment is ignored, there is enormous loss; and every time the present moment is seized there is immense gain. If a person advances with self-confidence in the direction of his or her dreams, and believes they are possible, and endeavors to live the life which he or she has imagined, they will meet with uncommon success at an unforeseen hour.
Recommended Reading:
I frequently say, “Readers are leaders and leaders are readers.” I strongly believe this statement; therefore, I have taken the time to recommend reading material that I believe will greatly benefit your life and business endeavors. Click the images to see more information or to order the books from Amazon.com.
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