If you have not read Part One of this article, I suggest you read the first part of “The Law of Exchange” before reading this part.
If you’d like to become part of today’s elite group of men and women who are making extraordinary amounts of money, there’s no better way to start than with understanding this colossal principle called the Law of Exchange.
I first became aware of this principle after experiencing a divorce in the late 1980s. I was struggling with depression and living under major financial problems without knowing the first thing to do. My car was about to be repossessed, my house payment was overdue and to add insult to injury, people left me holding the bills for all my business expenses. In hindsight, difficulties can become rewarded with opportunities if one can only maintain their sanity while under such stress.
I know you are ready to hear what occurred that immediately put money in my hands to pay my outstanding debts. My financial problems could only be fixed with money. Money may not solve all of your problems; however, it is designed to solve money problems. I know you don’t have a lot of time for preliminaries, so let’s cut to the chase. I needed money, and I could not wait another week to get it, or else I would have become homeless and car-less. When people need money, our first inclination is to borrow the amount of money needed. Banks and other financial institutions do not want to loan money to anyone who does not have money or something of equal value to the amount borrowed. It’s also called, COLLATERAL.
Something clicked inside me and I said to myself; self, you need something, anything to exchange. Money is the seed to money. However, if you don’t have money, what can a person exchange to represent money? The key word is not money, but EXCHANGE. When the law of exchange is engaged, creative thinking is unleashed.
You can’t get rich by holding on to your money. If you have a dollar clutched in your fist that will be all you will have. If you have a dollar in an open hand that is the least you will have. Money has to breathe and have motion to grow. However, when you are lacking money, what is the major principle that will bring you the kind of money you really desire. Rich people are exchange conscious. They are usually thinking of trading, negotiating, selling, changing or bartering, which is all motivated by a personal desire for more money. This form of thought concerning money is ethical.
This was the moment and I had to take this important first step. I had to change what I thought. I realized that I already had all the money I needed and more. You see, I owned two small buildings that I thought had no value at all. My perception of the value of what I owned caused me to believe I was broke. If you see your house as a dump, then your house is a dump. I immediately saw the value [value is subjective] in the two small buildings I owned. Then, I went straight to work by going to a realtor friend of mine. I spent thirty minutes with him, selling him on the value and possibilities of my two properties. Within three days, I sold him the properties, paid my debts and moved the business across town.
A pastor of a church stood one day in his pulpit and asked his congregation to consider giving a sizeable donation to help with the steeple the church wanted to purchase. A man stood who happens to be an artist and said, “I will sell one of my paintings for a thousand dollars and donate the proceeds to the church.”
After the church treasurer tallied all the pledges, the church was short five thousand dollars. The pastor stood again and said, “We are short only five thousand dollars. Is anyone willing to give this amount to help the church?”p>
The painter stood again and said, “Pastor, I changed the amount of my painting to six thousand dollars and I will donate the proceeds to the church.” (Subjective)
The principle of Exchange pulled the creativity out of me to generate money in exchange for my talents, properties, and intellect, which I hold in possession. Just to think, I was worried about not having what I had all along.
Become the trendsetter you were meant to be.
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