Thanksgiving is upon us and this is a time for reflection and introspection. People often say that life is good; but life is what you make of it because of the opportunities that have been afforded to you by the One who created it. We must learn to focus our attention on the Creator and not on His creation.
When I stop to think about where God has brought me, I am left with only one conclusion: that God is good. I do not need to compare my life with anyone else, based on what they may or may not have. What God has done for me can only be fitted by me. Yes, I have had my share of problems but God helped me to solve them. I have been in trouble, but God brought me through them. I have felt weak, but God gave me strength. I have experienced hunger, but God provided food. I have felt lonely; only to realize that He was my comfort and companion. My list of adversities is inexhaustible; but so is God’s ability.
There has not been one occurrence that God was incapable of handling. There is nothing too hard for God. I may be enjoying the privileges of success, but it did not come without a price. God gave me every ounce of strength, knowledge and wisdom to be who He has determined my life to be. I simply submitted to His will and plan. So, if there is any praise for my life and my accomplishments, let it go to Jesus Christ. He is the Author and Finisher of my faith.
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