People often read my writings as if I am writing for the sole purpose of debating. Taking action and getting results is the aim of my writings. I firmly believe that the bible substantiates the principle of business, wealth and of poverty.
You do not have to travel far to see the positive and negative effect that wealth or poverty has had on this country and its citizens. The United States of America is a capitalistic society that thrives on the principle of exchange. To question if this is right or not is absurd.
It never cease to amaze me how some people – Christians and Non-Christians can totally stand against wealthy or successful business owners. While they themselves are the very ones seeking promotions or an increase in salary.
If you have been successfully living on your current salary, why would you want more money? Is not any form of materialism or desire for financial increase greed? According to these critics, it is. The truth of the matter is that everyone wants some form of prosperity; whether in material things, money, or the size of their home. Sometimes, it is the lack of what you have that causes you to have mixed emotions toward those who do have.
If you knew how to get more, you would have more. Like most Americans, people are debt ridden and stuck in a job that they do not like. Moreover, if they could find another position paying more money, they too would put in their two-week notice.
It has been said that one sentence of wisdom can change a person’s life more than volumes of books. Imagine what hundreds of letters of wisdom could do. As you read my correspondence of wisdom, you will begin to master concepts in personal achievement; and at the same time, increase your odds of achieving success. Acknowledge your desire to increase your income, upgrade your lifestyle, and you could be on your way to doing so.
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