Would you like to learn four simple procedures to optimize your life and business, while at the same time discovering how to reach the financial goals you set for yourself without trying very hard?
People are always searching for the secret to success or trying to find the mysterious map that will lead to the lost treasure buried hundreds of years ago. While many people spend their entire lifetime chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, these people often live a life full of aimless goals and fruitless pursuits. They are completely unaware of the reasons that drive them to no end. They seem to always be on alert for the next hot thing or chasing one multi-level marketing project after another.
These are often good people, but with very little patience. They are also driven by the apparent success of others, without realizing all the necessary real-life steps those successful men and women had to take. Oftentimes, paying the price for success is suffering through the gruesome climb to get there. Successful people didn’t try to live the life of the Jones’—pretending to look the part of being a success but actually living the secret life of a pauper. Many successful people simply took their time, walked through the process, and learned the lessons which needed to be embraced along the journey of success. This is where the pretenders have no patience; and the lack of patience causes a person to make foolish decisions. So, how does one finally arrive at the threshold of success? Well, ask yourself this question, “Am I trying to do good or make myself look good?”
We often hear the word optimization when it comes to the business world, but you rarely hear of it being mentioned and applied on a personal level. Therefore, ordinary people, like you and me, have a tendency to over complicate things when 98% of life or business is rather simple. When the simple things appear too simple to produce results, then the issue is with how the person perceives him or herself. They may feel as though they are too good to do the simple things in life. Jim Rohn said, “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”
What creates the situations and circumstances which keep us moving in circles, is when solutions are so simple that they’re overlooked. When a person feels coerced to do what they have to do to make a living, they stop living because they believe doing what they have to do is the only way they can survive. This is when limitless potential becomes limited potential. This belief denotes busyness not business.
To optimize something means to make it function at its best or most effectively or, to use something to its best advantage. Allow me to point you to four really powerful steps to optimize your life, and your business can follow the same path. But, before I give you these practical principles read this brief anecdote.
There was once a man who liked doing business, but he loved playing golf—his favorite hobby. One day, he stopped spinning his wheels on how to make a buck with his business, and started living his life doing what he really loved. He ended up playing golf professionally, and made more money playing golf than he did doing business. Now this is what I call simple optimization.
Practical Principle #1
Keep life as simple as possible.
Practical Principle #2
Don’t try to make yourself look good; do good!
Practical Principle #3
Be patient, but not lazy. Live your own dream.
Practical Principle #4
Do what you truly love because it beats doing what you feel coerced to do any day!
You have now discovered the pot of gold and it’s not at the end of the rainbow; it’s in you. Over thirty years ago, I was told by a wealthy man in the city where I reside, that making money is really simple. A few years after my brief encounter with this wealthy gentleman, I realized that the Bible shares the simple truth of this same principle!
“Only those who have patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.”
~James J. Corbett
Recommended Reading:
I frequently say, “Readers are leaders and leaders are readers.” I strongly believe this statement; therefore, I have taken the time to recommend reading material that I believe will greatly benefit your life and business endeavors. Click the images to see more information or to order the books from Amazon.com.
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