As Christians begin their journey of growth in the Lord, they are to realize the challenges that lie ahead. These challenges are not your run of the mill trials, they are situations set up by the devil to take a Christian out. Satan realizes that Christians have been equipped with a powerful tool and weapon called faith. Faith is the link to everything in your Christian walk. If a Christian fails to conduct and live their life by faith, they have failed to please God. For the Bible declares that without faith it is impossible to please God. There is nothing more attractive to God than a breathing faith. In all my years of studying the Word of God, I have yet to find a scripture where Jesus applauds how a Christian impressed Him with their love. I am not diminishing the major necessity of love, for God is love. But on the other hand, I have read several passages where Jesus raved about an active faith. Jesus celebrated the faith of the Roman centurion soldier; rewarded the faith of the persistent woman; saw the faith of the four men carrying the paralytic; and healed the blind man according to his faith. Faith is like a muscle. In order for you to get the maximum use out of your faith, you must develop it with use. This is why the Bible speaks of little faith, strong in faith, where is your faith, weak in faith and one not having much faith. Consequently, the Bible is clear about how faith must be developed in order to become strong faith. Delve into God’s word and discover how you can develop strong faith that will cause you to walk in victory every day of your life.
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