It is especially hard to work for money you have already spent on something you did not need. Money may not bring you happiness, but it enables you to look for it in more places. Moreover, money can bare a close resemblance to happiness. Now, please do not make the assumption that I love money, I just like it a lot. People who lie about how they feel about money will lie about other things as well.
Managing Your Money
Why is the subject of money important to me? I realize the mandate on my life to help people with a heavenly wisdom for financial increase in their lives. I am truly more interested in your success than your affection. Managing money usually requires more skill than it does with making it. It behooves people to work hard at becoming good money managers because you are the only one that will do it free for yourself. Wealthy people or people without money concerns think and act differently about money from those who are poor and middle-class. Wealthy people play the money game to win while other people play the money game not to lose.
Poor, Middle Class, and Wealthy Mind Sets
People with a poor money mentality play the survival and security game. The big goal of those with a poor money mentality is to have enough to pay their bills on time and pray for a miracle just to afford a vacation. A healthy money mentality steers you in the direction of learning ways to amass wealth. These people are committed to being prosperous while poor people want to be prosperous. Middle class people are committed to being comfortable so they achieve being comfortable relatively easy. If you are not totally committed to creating wealth, chances are you will not. Most Americans know exactly how it feels when your money is funny. However, there is nothing funny about not having enough money for your basic needs.
Changing Tracks
If you want to change your money condition, you have to change what you are doing. The information in your memory bank or subconscious mind is what channels you in the direction your life is moving. Your thoughts are the railroad tracks that your life travels. You move from one place to another and from position to position based on the kind of thoughts running through your mind. Your life can only move in the direction the tracks are going. Trains do not travel far without tracks. Give me five minutes in a person’s life and I can tell you if they are going to do anything significant with their life. If a person is not happy about their financial situation, he or she will do one or two things. They will either complain about it or shut up and do something about it.
Altering Your Mentality
Become passionate about changing your mentality about money. A healthy mentality about money is the beginning of understanding it. Wanting more of it does not mean that you are greedy; you are simply responding to a deep-seated desire of want. Without this natural drive “to want,” knowledge in any given area will no longer be pursued. It is this intrinsic quality that causes our eyes to search for images, our hands to reach for touch, our ears to stretch for sounds, our tongues to connect with taste and our minds to explore the vast universal for why. I strongly believe that a healthy money esteem transmute into a healthy self-esteem.
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