Do you ever question yourself on why you do not reach your full potential? I am certain that at one time or another, you can recall a teacher, a coach or mentor tell you about the great potential you have. It all sounds so promising but oftentimes people do not feel like they have as much potential as others have claimed they have.
Many people struggle with low self-esteem and other mental defective processes because of their past occurrences.
Potential vs. Talent
Potential is not something that sits on the surface as though you can just pick it up and use it. Potential is hidden deep within the crevices of a person’s natural ability called talent. Talent is the natural ability to do things almost as second nature. However, potential is unrealized ability that goes far beyond talent. This simply means that the ability is present but it takes a lot more to first realize it and second, to tap into it. Potential is not easily accessible because it takes believing in yourself to push beyond your failures and disappointments.
Wanting More…
“I feel like I can do and be anything in the world that I want. I see other people far less talented than I am succeeding and enjoying the good life. It is not that I am lazy, but something holds me back from going full steam ahead. It’s become so frustrating, wanting more out of life but not going for it.”
Does this sound like you? You believe that you are different from those who sabotage their success because of an underlying feeling of no self-worth. Your lack of success is not based on incompetence or low self-esteem. It may be that you are among the more talented people with great potential to succeed. However, your challenge is that while you may have a passion pushing you in one direction, you also have other interests pulling you in another.
Less Talented but More Successful
A lack of focus leaves you experimenting in areas that keep you from being as productive. Therefore, you have very little to show for your short-lived efforts. Although there are people out there less talented than you, their advantage is their ability to remain focused by becoming frozen on one goal until success has been achieved. Accomplishment of any magnitude is difficult without follow-through.
Potential Scattered
Your weakness is not the lack of passion. It is just that your energy and attention is scattered. In addition, to compound your situation, you are probably prone to dwelling on ideas constantly and insatiably so that you force yourself out of your previous project leaving it oftentimes undone. Potential means nothing if it cannot be used.
Fix It
To remedy your problem all you have to do is stay emotionally connected to your passion behind your objective. When other ideas and interest comes to your mind, you do not have to dismiss them; categorize them from least to the most important. Your brain is simply craving variety, but you must remember to force focus in order to be mentally stable to continue on your present objective. This will help you realize your greater potential to succeed.
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