The primary question should not be who is a difference maker, but rather what qualities makes one a difference maker? Once this is established, the manhunt can begin because your search will narrow in on qualities rather than a person. Many mistakes have been made by people in search of that one person that can help change things for them or a team. Whether corporate or personal, judging and sizing up a person based on their present condition or outward appearance may prove to be impractical.
People who possess qualities that make them stand out aren’t as easily discernable. One reason is that they are not ambitious nor do they have a need to have a title to define them. You may find the person who knows how to say the right words and is an over achiever, but this person is lacking in discipline and integrity. The person who is truly a difference maker is more interested in the quality of their work than their work looking as though it has quality.
Let me explain what I consider to be an attribute. An attribute is a quality or characteristic of somebody or something to give credit for something such as a body of work, art, or a saying. An attribute can be considered a standard or conviction that causes a person to stand out instead of fit in. Imagine being in the company of difference makers who care more about making a difference in society and in the lives of others rather than making no difference at all.
What do you have when an entire team of people with difference maker’s qualities come together? What you have is a winning combination that can never be defeated. A difference maker is someone who is willing and able to fill all aspects of their role with confidence, one who consistently delivers on objectives, and who follows or leads their team to peak performance. They understand that their role is as essential as the next man. In many cases, a difference maker shakes things up, brings forth change, and demands results from themselves and their colleagues. They aren’t interested in being popular; they want success for the company or team even if it means not leading. With this attitude they will hit their targets and inspire their teams to do the same.
Difference makers are self-motivated. Difference makers are honest, they don’t cover up mistakes, and they are completely accountable for what works and what doesn’t work. They take full responsibility for their actions and results. You can’t tell if these people are difference makers by looking at them; their qualities are exposed by interacting with them. They are proactive, solution-oriented, and take action people. Their values align with those of their organization or team, and these values drive day-to-day behaviors that pursue excellence.
How does a company or a small business or individual find a Difference Maker? Well, you can’t find them in the Yellow Pages. In the brawl for gifted able bodies, the challenges most organizations face are not limited simply to the unavailability of competent people, but that their hiring process is not set up to properly identify those who can truly make a difference. Focusing only on the skills and experience needed, the interviewer often pay too little attention to values, motivations, habits, work styles, behaviors, and cognitive abilities. Stop qualifying a person for where your company presently is and start looking for those people who may not have all the skills, but are willing to be molded into the person you need, not just want. Don’t look for the mate who completes you, but rather look for that person who complements you.
Companies should design employment programs to become mentors to their employees instead of employers. Difference Makers are developed into their role not fitted into it.
Recommended Reading:
I frequently say, “Readers are leaders and leaders are readers.” I strongly believe this statement; therefore, I have taken the time to recommend reading material that I believe will greatly benefit your life and business endeavors. Click the images to see more information or to order the books from
[amazon_image id=”0785260986″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset[/amazon_image] [amazon_image id=”1930388179″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Unexpected Treasures[/amazon_image] [amazon_image id=”0578088789″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Dare To Be A Difference Maker[/amazon_image] [amazon_image id=”1906093040″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Difference Makers:How Social and Institutional Entrepreneurs Created the Corporate Responsibility Movement[/amazon_image]
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