Change is inevitable. Change is durable. Everything is subjected to change. Change is a powerful agent because it has the ability to manipulate all forms of structures, including the human body. Where change is not forced and left to its own judgment, it reduces the quality of things to its lowest common denominator.
God gave man the ability to monitor change, to casually slow down its progress or to speed it up. For instance, aging and death are inevitable; but maintaining good health slows the aging process and possibly defers death for a time. In other words, good health, due to eating right and exercise, is the slowest possible rate of death. Imagine what happens to the human body when exercise is abandoned and eating right is discarded. The body deteriorates and the rate of death accelerates. Well, this is what happens to our finances.
Our money problems cannot be fixed left to its own. Anything left to its own weakness will eventually be devoured by the devastating power of change to reduce its quality to its lowest possible condition. Forcing change to increase the probability of something changing for the better takes a well thought-out and calculated effort on the part of the individual. Ignoring bills will not make them go away, but acknowledging them and attacking their onslaught of attack, will weaken its defenses. When bills are dealt with and paid, one payment at a time, despite the amount, it neutralizes their effects.
You have the ability and authority to impinge upon change in the direction you want it to go. Impose your will onto your negative financial situation. Making calls to your creditors and informing them of what you will do will cause them to negotiate with you because they want their money. Do not be intimidated about writing all your bills down on a sheet of paper. Moreover, do not avoid any of them despite how shocked you are with the amount you owe. Remember, its not how much you owe that matters; what matters is how much you own. When you owe, it creates a deficit. Paying off what you owe generates an asset.
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