Anyone who really knows me is fully aware of my love for the Los Angeles Lakers. I have been a Lakers’ fan since the early seventies and I do not intend on changing. The NBA 2007-2008 year has ended and the LA Lakers have clinched the lead in the Western Conference. This simply means that… Read More »
The quality goes in before the name goes on
Have you ever visited a business establishment and asked the secretary or host a question, and they made you feel as though you were bothering them? Today, this seems to be the quality of service that people are giving. When I look at the quality of work at many construction sites, it is atrocious to… Read More »
Are You A Good Money Manager?
“I believe that the power to make money is a gift from God.” — John D. Rockerfeller Most people have it all wrong about wealth in America. Wealth is not the same as income. Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend. To bet on a horse is gambling, to bet that you can… Read More »
Balance, faith, and patience are needed for Success
If balance is the key to life, then, faith is the power of life, and patience is the virtue of life. It is quite easy to talk about how one’s life needs balance; but how to achieve it has escaped the majority. Achieving balance is very difficult because it involves knowledge, wisdom, tenacity, and action.… Read More »
You cannot change other people, but you …..
You cannot change other people, but you can change yourself. It is very easy to focus on the faults of others; but it is rather uncomfortable to confront your own. People are generally running from themselves, living in constant fear, and are apathetic about confronting the challenges that oppose their dreams. Most people would like… Read More »
What is the quality of your work?
The Bible teaches us that Jesus was the son of a carpenter; and usually during the days of antiquity, sons would mirror the labor habits of their fathers. No doubt, Jesus mimicked the trade of His father, Joseph. Some scholars teach that Jesus’ carpentry skill was that He actually designed and made furniture. Whether He… Read More »
Are you a model for success?
Are you a model for success? Do you display the qualities of a successful person in life? Have you stopped to look back to see how far you have come? One of the worst things an individual can do is to compare what they have done to what someone else has done. To do so… Read More »
Street Smart MBA for entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs
Life comes at you fast, and everyday can be quite challenging. Developing goals and creating ways to fulfill them can be exciting; but if your goals are unrealistic and you are experiencing a major struggle, it may be because you are trying to jump from A to Z. Many have asked me how I predict… Read More »
Business is the Quintessence of Exchange and Transacting
Business is the quintessence of exchange and transacting. In the Greek, business means to gain by means of one’s activity or investment; specifically, it means to earn, gain, or make a profit.
Faith: A Powerful Tool & Weapon
As Christians begin their journey of growth in the Lord, they are to realize the challenges that lie ahead. These challenges are not your run of the mill trials, they are situations set up by the devil to take a Christian out. Satan realizes that Christians have been equipped with a powerful tool and weapon… Read More »