Have you ever thought about the amount of information you have strolling around in your head? If you have lived any considerable amount of time on God’s green earth, chances are you have collected huge amounts of data. Most likely, you have accumulated knowledge from practically every trade and profession. Even if you do not have a degree or a journeyman’s license in a particular field of study, your brain can figure out some portion of how to perform in any given area.
What amazes me is how people can know something and second-guess themselves. It is not that people do not believe in the answer that should be given in response to a question, they simply do not trust their capacity to retain the knowledge and regurgitate it at any given time.
Insecurity is common among people who are familiar with living their lives in the bed of uncertainty. Humans are not much different from computers. In fact, computers are fabricated, artificial substitutes for human inadequacies. Just as computers are designed to receive data in order to spit out calculations and other information, humans need data to be able to think, act and react, feel and grow. Humans are not limited, computers are.
Man can think, reason, and figure out complex problems that may not have anything to do with numbers, and he can perform everything he was created by God to do. Man invented computers and all of its capabilities. Just who do you think wrote the encyclopedias, dictionaries, and came up with Google?
Humans have fashioned great architectural designs and inventions. Engineers and structural engineers calculated weights, loads, capacity, distance and other needed information for constructing well before computers and calculators entered the mind of man. Contrary to popular belief, you can do anything you think and believe you can do.
Use your mind to think and imagine and your heart to believe what you are capable of performing. Stop second-guessing yourself or waiting until you are absolutely sure before you step out on a limb, start a business, or get married.
Believe you me, you know more than you think you know; you can do more than you think you can; and you can have more than you already have. There is an old beer commercial that used to air on television that said, “You only go around once in life, so you have to reach for all the gusto you can.” I finished this phrase by saying, “From now on, I am going to be a gusto grabber.” Either you choose to go for the gold or you simply try to compete
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