If balance is the key to life, then, faith is the power of life, and patience is the virtue of life. It is quite easy to talk about how one’s life needs balance; but how to achieve it has escaped the majority. Achieving balance is very difficult because it involves knowledge, wisdom, tenacity, and action. In your Bible, the book of James says that we must not be hearers of the word only, but also doers of the word. This is where the problem comes into the equation. Most Christians are good at hearing the word, but lousy at doing it. Balance, then, is formed out of the Word of God immediately made actionable. Faith is the power of life because it produces the ability to be tenacious. Power is power; and it has no alternative to its strength and supremacy. Faith rests in its own pool of authority, and it is the force behind every movement and action. Patience is the virtue of life. It is the quality of character and the strategy in winning. The Bible says that the trying of your faith produces patience. Patience is needed in order to qualify the balance in one’s life; or else everything will be done in life without forethought and purpose. Since most Christians are good at hearing the word of God (instructions) and terrible when it comes to obeying it, failure is frequently inevitable. Balance is not leveling every quality off to the same degree; it is placing the importance on each quality regardless of its magnitude. When balance is achieved, it looks like the display of an equalizer. Perfect harmony is realized because balance has been accomplished. This kind of action results not only in life becoming manageable, but also victorious.
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