Create Your World
There are three intuitive ways by which humans communicate; gesture, deed, and word. Mastering these three areas of communication will be a phenomenal surplus for any person because of the doors that will be open to them. Actors and actresses study the art of acting which includes the ability to express the intended thought through their gestures as well as their words. Unfortunately, many people have not considered the importance of learning such a craft. The commoner who has been taught or self-tutored in the fine art of speech has been given the key to unlock many opportunities.
Certain jobs and high employment positions have literally been handed to people who exercised an ability to communicate effectively with their potential employer despite little or no education. Communicating well is not demonstrative by the use of big words, but in how words are used.
“Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people.” –Jim Rohn
Great leaders have always been great orators, with a few exceptions. Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato were all Greek philosophers who understood that in order to express yourself in word; you must also learn the theatrics (gestures) as well. Hand gestures and body language is all a part of communicating when it comes to people understanding you. Words without gestures have a fifty percent chance of being misunderstood. People better understand you when they not only hear what you say, but they see how you say it.
Now we come to the all important part of communication which should be embraced and understood; there is power in words. There is no such thing as a powerless word. The use of words is the chief cause and material used to build your world. Words create worlds. The Bible says, “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.” What kind of world are you framing with your words? Do you understand the life you are now living is being experienced because you verbally spoke it out?
Life and death is in the power of the tongue. Meaning, your ability to use certain words that can cause death or life to certain instances is all in your use of words. Jesus said, “…the words I speak unto you are spirit and they are life.” The words are containers that either carry the spirit of death or the spirit of life. You can kill an opportunity with your words or you can kick down its door. Watch what you say, and say what you want in your heart.
The greatest thing a person can do is build the world of their dreams with their words. The second greatest thing a person can do is destroy their world with their words. Don’t allow your mouth to become a demolition crew; allow it be a construction company.
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