I do not claim to know everything about most things, but I do know something about some things—and one thing I do know is that America is on a slippery slope into a deep immoral and character deficit society. I have never been more concerned about the state of affairs of a country I love so much as I am now. From politics to the lack of integrity, from money to taxes and from crime to same sex marriages, this nation is facing issues unlike that of any of our predecessors.
Primetime television is pushing the limits to what can be viewed and seen on television at a time when most children are watching. Pornography has exploded on the internet leaving eighty percent of the people between the ages of seven to seventy vulnerable. While our athletes are viewed as heroes, treated like gods, and overpaid like corporate CEOs, we continue to experience a decline in the quality of goods, embezzlement from top corporate giants, and reckless behavior from those who are supposed to be examples in the faith. I cannot help but think that somehow we are being left to our own stupidity and evilness.
- Forty-two percent of all runaway youth confess to living a gay-lesbian lifestyle.
- Among youth ages 16 to 24, Hispanics accounted for 41 percent of all current high school dropouts in 2005. However, they only made up 17 percent of the total youth population. Black and Hispanic youth are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to drop out of high school.
- In 2005, 6 percent of non-Hispanic whites ages 16 to 24 were not enrolled in school and had not completed high school; compared with 11 percent of Blacks and 23 percent of Hispanics. The high rate for Hispanics is in part the result of the high proportion of immigrants in this age group who never attended school in the U.S.
- Asian youth, with a dropout rate of 3 percent, had the lowest dropout rate among all racial and ethnic groups in 2005.
America’s pool of leaders will come from this pot of delinquents. Frightening to say the least that America’s political leaders cannot see that we created this entire mess by passing laws that encourages individuality and do what feels good even if it is at the expense of others. Our economy did not become this messy by itself, it took politicians lining their pockets and legislation designed to keep people struggling financially.
So, where is God in all this? We kicked God out; if there is such a thing. We do not want God involved in our government, our national policies, our commerce, our laws, our educational system, our marriages, etc. Historically, this nation was better off with God; and our present condition makes it obvious that our nation and world continues to get worse without Him.
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