People who recognize me when I’m out and about usually like to stop me to ask a question or two about a concern of theirs. Typically the first thing to come out of their mouths is a brief resume on who they are and what they’ve done. Well, one young man was telling me about… Read More »
Archives for January 2014
Trying is Unacceptable
I have spent the better part of my life working to better the lives of people, reaching the up and out to the down and out, helping rocky marriages and helping to launch rocketing careers. I have seen my share of both challenges and treaties, defeats and triumphs. Throughout them all, nothing can replace the… Read More »
Wisdom For A Better Life
Knowledge is not nearly as important as wisdom. In fact, wisdom can use knowledge, but knowledge cannot use wisdom. Those who believe that knowledge is just as important as wisdom usually like to collect information, which may make a person smarter, but not necessarily wise. You see, to know something would be like knowing nothing… Read More »