When a situation occurs that can ultimately affect the way your life can possibly turn out for the worst, there is one of three possible choices you can make to react to this condition. You can decide to panic, do nothing and adapt, or become innovative. Considering the economic conditions we are facing in this… Read More »
Archives for January 2011
Avoiding the Debt Trap
People everywhere are talking about their expectations for 2011. In fact, much of it sounds like a broken record that keeps skipping on the same lyric. James Brown called it out in one of his sounds when he said, “…like a dull knife, just ain’t cutting. Just talking loud and saying nothing.” This may or… Read More »
Overcoming Deficit Financing
Understanding the why you are in debt is more powerful than understanding the how you got into debt. Discover how you begin your journey to get out of debt and on the road to becoming financially free.