Have you ever thought about the amount of information you have strolling around in your head? If you have lived any considerable amount of time on God’s green earth, chances are you have collected huge amounts of data. Most likely, you have accumulated knowledge from practically every trade and profession. Even if you do not… Read More »
Archives for September 2009
Real Teamwork
Teamwork is a word often used by many who stand on the sideline while others actually do all the work. These people have all the advice, but no history of accomplishments. Usually, the one who mentions how people need to come together as a team is the first to declare that he or she is… Read More »
My Protégé's Mistake
A protégé of mine was concerned with a particular problem, and sought my thoughts because his problem needed immediate attention. He said that if he did not make a decision about the matter, it could possibly cost him a considerable about of money. My recommendation to him was to call the company first thing in… Read More »
5 Powerful Leadership Principles
Leadership? Can you define leadership, and if so, how can you tell if it is active in your life? Can you give an honest, personal assessment of your leadership skills without exaggerating and exasperating the excuse column? Most people will gauge their leadership skills as favorable by using one to three creepy friends that do… Read More »