A good coach is simply a good teacher. When you are instructing a student, you are teaching them standards. Just about everything we do in life is either learning or teaching. You do not teach standards by lowering them. I have had men and women in my life that taught me the basics of life… Read More »
Archives for August 2009
The Force be with you
Vision is one of the most powerful energizing forces, which initiates a drive in a person to pursue their greatest aspiration. It is the reason for perseverance, the reflection of thought, and the future realized. Vision is not hopeful thinking, but rather a preview into an unrealized reality. Everyone has vision. Some people’s vision is… Read More »
Aging with Grace
You know you’re getting older when your children begin to look middle aged. When your back goes out more than you do, that’s a sure sign that your days are numbered. Aging doesn’t have to be bad or regrettable. Aging can be fun if you approach it with the right attitude. I appreciate being in… Read More »
What motivates you?
What does it take to get you moving and energized concerning the fulfillment of your goals and aspirations? The answer to these questions can vary from person to person. However, there is one thing that is constant for every person; something is needed to spark their enthusiasm or starting will be a chore. Some people… Read More »
The Death of Dysfunction
Dysfunctional is a word to indicate the failure to function properly or a disturbance in the usual pattern of activity. In other words, there is a breakdown in the standard operational system of a person, family, business, or machine. We live in a dysfunctional society where every family experiences it and every system or machine… Read More »