If balance is the key to life, then, faith is the power of life, and patience is the virtue of life. It is quite easy to talk about how one’s life needs balance; but how to achieve it has escaped the majority. Achieving balance is very difficult because it involves knowledge, wisdom, tenacity, and action.… Read More »
Archives for March 2008
You cannot change other people, but you …..
You cannot change other people, but you can change yourself. It is very easy to focus on the faults of others; but it is rather uncomfortable to confront your own. People are generally running from themselves, living in constant fear, and are apathetic about confronting the challenges that oppose their dreams. Most people would like… Read More »
What is the quality of your work?
The Bible teaches us that Jesus was the son of a carpenter; and usually during the days of antiquity, sons would mirror the labor habits of their fathers. No doubt, Jesus mimicked the trade of His father, Joseph. Some scholars teach that Jesus’ carpentry skill was that He actually designed and made furniture. Whether He… Read More »